Home server build

I have been looking to build a home server recently, and i wanted a review on my home server build (if anyone here can do that. It's definitely not a commonality to build a home server.) 


This is what i have so far. One thing though, i'm looking for a decent RAID card capable of RAID 10 for ~100.

The build looks good.

I'd take a quick look at 2TB HDDs, as some cost very little more than 1TB (stupid I know) which will take you into the sweet spot of price to amount of storage.

As for RAID cards... They aren't cheap (for a reliable name brand) Seeing as you only plan on RAID 10, which isn't that compute intensive in terms of calculations required to store data. I would consider running it off of the mobo (if it can)(and of course still keeping a backup)

If you desperately require a RAID card, Highpoint may have something to fit your budget.

+1 here.  If you have less drives, the airflow will also be significantly better in the Node 304, as the hard drives won't be blocking as many fans.