Home Server Automation

Recently Wendell mentioned writing some software that would go out and download things of interest to him. I am very curious to how this was written, what content it will go out and find, how it searches for content, what programming language was used, etc. 


If Wendell or any other community members can shed some light on this, that would be greatly appreciated. Also, if any of the community has developed any sort of software for automation, I would love to hear about it. 


Thanks in advance.

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Check out phpdom and python and Perl and curl and so much more. Lol. 

Some programs are over 10 years old. My surprise me eBay script is about 8 years old .. It searches for and orders crap for me on eBay matching certain params

I have my own ghetto search engine that searches certain places for certain kinds of things. 

Also have a DVR and a subscription to schedules direct and capture and transcode media to avoid the headache of torrents and whatnot. 

oh come on

"I have my own ghetto search engine that searches certain places for certain kinds of things.Also have a DVR and a subscription to schedules direct and capture and transcode media to avoid the headache of torrents and whatnot."

show of hehe i feel like the little children when you go into some of the stuff but it only gives me the will to learn more ,more input like short circuit hehe.

We get into a kind of gray Area lol I'm sure others can post. E.g. check out reddit.com/r/opendirectories

Soon you will learn to use the net . . .  lol 

Is there anything you don't know how to do? :P

I was going to say "Scripts man, lots of scripts," but your answer might be better.

I'm using codeacademy they have good learning curve software and they are free  ( what do i know hehe) , not expecting to get to the level of other people on the forum ,but i can maybe make a calculator hehe ,

I'm just trying not to be total ignorant technology wise , is pretty ridiculous that i use a pc since windows 3.1 and can't even troubleshot some of the problem i have some times .

You guys and gal have done that to me so congrats for the platform that you created i'm loving it .

Ps: sorry for the show of i was just kidding ,and please for buda sake make a way so we can contribute without using creditcard , in portugal i have to use it to buy bitcoin and going to spend much more then the value that i'm going to send you .

Lol I figured as much. I pictured it being a nice and clean bit of code, but in reality I knew it was not. I developed a different search engine (very basic) for a couple servers at one point (to make my life easier), and split it up into tasks. Opened up files and searched text within those files, but a co-worker changed the program to his liking, and I abandoned it.


Yes, I watched your NAS video, very interesting.


What I dream about developing is an application that will learn your interests and habits and make recommendation. Pretty much like TIVO on crack(Like Dr. Rockzo), but as open source, and not only pertaining to TV, but all outlets. This would also change with you over time removing things that you are no longer interested in. E.g.  a show I have recorded for 2 months but not watched a single episode will be removed unless otherwise specified. Something that you could set a keyword around, and it would produce thumbnails and details of articles, images, movies, recommendations on food, clothing, etc. And with easy painless click, I could download it. Yeah I know fantasy land, but still I can dream though right?

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The first automation program I did had to be, it searched for open directories looking for what i wanted in such formats like .mp3 .mp4 .ogg etc. && Download them, Although it had a size threshold going both ways, if it was to small it would disregard it (Malware possibly).


@wendell Would you consider making a list of/ redistrubuting (if legal) what you use? This is probably my favorite topic of all time as making the internet work for you instaed of working on it has to be the best idea ever. Thanks in advance. Stay awesome.