Home security system

Hey there was wondering on your opinion on ideas of the best home security system. Front point is rated #1 so far and wondering if you can make any recommendations. Or is front point, ADT all a marketeing sham.



I have a fully redundant highly trained super sensitive adaptive intelligent security system. They're called Luna and Krüger, and the model name is Rottweiler...

Can they send push notifications?

Their notifications don't need pushing lolz, Rottweilers come with built-in subwoofer-heavy PA system...

Might be a fun little project to make your own security system. This way, it won't be susceptible to the same vulnerabilities as commercial solutions and you would be in total control. I was thinking about using RPi and Arduino for it. You can use ultrasonic sensors as a motion sensor, GSM module to send you a message and call the cops. You could also make it light lamps and TVs randomly to make it seem like you are at home all the time.

Hahahah  i got the same system :P

LOL, i love my rottys, they are the best security system

I have dogs but i installed my own system with cameras because i wanted to keep a video record of whats going on, when and if something happened. Dogs, cameras, and my other security system comes with lead and brass :O

My brother and I installed this for my mother at her house.



It's excellent. Near field infrared night vision cameras with motion detection, audio capabilities, Android and iPhone apps for remote viewing via cell networks, DDNS system for remote viewing via web browser, emails photographs of whatever set off the motion detectors, it's really fantastic and she absolutely loves it.


Thanks , but yea i am looking for somthing that will contact the poilice/fire dept good idea though

yea i surprised that there isn't much open source options. I guess its hard to work with the police 911 and Fire dept