Hitachi G-Connect 500gb wifi storage (troubleshooting/reprogramming)

I bought a Hitachi G-connect 500gb wifi HDD for $7 back when I use to work at a Fry's Electronics about a year ago. I recently had a pop up for a firmware update, followed the instructions (plug in the Ethernet and press update in the app), and it broke the wifi. Works as regular USB HDD but I bought it for the wifi, to use it with my iPhone one the go. No software for it on the product support page, pretty sure it's been discontinued since they haven't updated the app 2012. I'd like to know if there anything I can run on this to make it work again as a wifi HDD; Mythbuntu, PfSense, FreeNAS, etc.
I've used an app called FileBrowser to since media on my PC through a wireless network, it's stable and does pretty much everything I need it to so if I could get the wireless working again I could use this to access my media without having to use the outdated G-connect app.

Here's a link to the FileBrowser app:

Here a link to the G-connect product page, and application:


If anyone knows how to make this thing work again if really appreacuate the help.