Hint: don't install Windows 24H2!

Heya, joined here to drop a hint; I installed 24H2 yesterday, and immediately my Windows VM started performing badly – laggy mouse mainly, highish CPU, mangled basically.

Tried a bunch of different things, and the only thing that has helped was rolling the update back.

There are reports of this “upgrade” going back months being bad; obviously pushing AI things and new pretty icons is more important than fixing a fairly widely known set of issues.

I suggest you don’t install it.


I have had constant NIC issues that were a pain to resolve. It got deployed to almost 1,000 systems and caused a complete nightmare. The LAPS password wasn’t working and without a network connection we had to get boots on the ground to resolve the issue. Blocked the update with WSUS last month.

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dont let windows know its using NVMe. trick it somehow into thinking its on SATA or IDE. its some NT update that causes the use of NVMe to completely wreck the PCIe scheduler.

my win10 vm stutter issue got fixed the instant i switched the vm form nvme to sata.

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Our experience is 1 in 5 fail the update.
SFC, DISM, delete downloaded update and retry gets that up to 1 in 20.

BUT 1 in 20 machines we update to 24H2 blue screen after and require on-site upgrade in place using installation media.

Does not matter if the fleet is brand new or been in service for a few years.
Does not matter if the update is from locally mounted 24H2 installation iso or downloaded from Windows Update.
Does not matter if it’s Home or Pro (our Windows 11 workstation and server 2025 installations do not fail upgrade)
Does not matter if they are standalone or domain controlled with or without a microsoft account.

1 in 5 fail.
1 in 20 require in person recovery.


Yeah, the epic fail this round with MS is a joke. How such a release got past hoards of engineers breaks my brain – even after early adopters were even telling them it’s broken.

I despise this OS so much. I only need it for Capture One (which sadly will never get a native Linux release I reckon).

Thanks for the feedback, but I’m not going anywhere near this terrible update again – already lost a few days over it.

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have you contacted Microsoft Business support lately?

You’ll have to have an enterprise 365 account with a couple hundred licenses to get past tier 2 tech support.

Get to tier 3 and your call is finally routed to the U.S. and they’ll fix this broken exchange server in 5 minutes by correcting the backend SSL certificate (which you cannot do as global admin) that you’ve said has been the problem the entire time.

Nope! And I gladly have no reason to; MS isn’t what I do for a living.

Yeah, I think I get your point here… but my point is that this was a epic fail in the core OS itself; many people were giving them feedback about it (dev and “canary” build type people), and an engineering team could have spent a day spinning it up long enough to see if the mouse moves erratically or not.

I literally just fired up the VM again today to do stuff, and it was thrashing away. I’m like “what is this?!”


I asked it to install the other day… I did not this time around! Unbelievable. Thankfully I caught it before it was done.

It annoyed me so much that I’ve now written a Ansible playbook to rollout some reg entries to damn well block it.

Really poor form.

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I did the other day since I had 22H2 for a long time…24H2 is probably the worse update I have ever had in a long time.

23H2 is fine however just like 22 once it is probably cleaned out and tweaked. 23 is most likely better then 22 in my personal opinion.

I would recommend stopping all updates permently till maybe the next one and see how things go.

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