Highpoint SSD7102 and will it work?

For some reference, look here:

Now given the overall description and the fact that the instruction sheet clearly states NO plx switches on your mobo or this won’t work (this is the telltale sign), am guessing this does indeed bifurcate on its own, which is of course the goal here.
It’s also mentioned that this allows booting from any of the four modules plugged on it.
So all good right?


  1. the compatibility sheet only mentions Intel chipset motherboards (not the only enterprise-focused company that ignores AMD entirely, so this may not mean much on its own)
  2. If you went to the downloads section, you might have noticed a ‘UEFI BIOS’ section; and this last does worry me.

What i’m wondering is basically whether this really does work with any mobo (because i’m an AMD person) and if so, whether it really just works out of the box, or requires BIOS modding, hence the relevant downloads section; not exactly my area.
If anyone knows (not guesses or believes, actually knows), by all means inform. It’s not exactly a fortune, but for a man with my means, it’s definitely not cheap, i’d hate to buy it for nothing :slight_smile:

Edit: Am primarily interested in having a self-bifurcating, mobo-“unaware” addin card on which i can dump NVMes without relying on the motherboard to do the lane splitting for me; and which fully supports NVMe booting; a rather difficult combo as it turns out. Am just keeping the question “general” as there may well be factors here i’m entirely unaware of. Like, OS for example? This one’s intended for a system that will be running Antergos.

And thanks for reading regardless!