High temps on cpu and gpu mining?


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got some relitivly high temps with me mining that i just set up will this be a problem like burning my gpu and cpu out or is this fine ? 


and it is overclocked im not too familiar with mining eaither 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with those. I'd only worry about it if it gets up above 90. 85 is about the max I'd want it at.

I have an old i7-950 but less than 80 is where I am comfortable at. I typically have RealTemp shutdown my computer if CPU is over 80 and GPU is over 85. perhaps conservative but I like my hardware alive rather than a few extra coins a year pushing my equipment too hard.


ok thanks for the info if i were to leave this mining coins at areounf 40 k/hs overnight or when not at home for a few hours how long will it take to kill my gpu or graphics card ? 

If the temps remain at those levels the whole time you are mining it shouldnt kill anything (unless you get a sudden temperature spike and the thermal cut out decides it doesn't want to work but 2 failures like that simultaneously is statistically unlikely).

How do I set it to turn off at set temps? :o