High quality headphones?

Are there any good open back headphones like the ATH-AD500X but with strong bass response? I really would like something that gives a strong bass feel with my music, but also has a decent soundstage for gaming. 

After some searching I am focused on the Sony MDR MA900s. Not in love with the aesthetics or build quality on the headband but they really seem to be what I am looking for in the sound department. Any opinions?

I need a budget to work with here. Sony Fidelio L1 (which is sometimes on massdrop for ~$100) and the HP100 are what immediately come to mind. It is really going to come down to what your budget is. If you want me to look for things under $100 or something, then I will have to do a little more looking around. The MA900 is a good choice, for sure. They should be about what you are looking for, but the Fidelio line is also something that you should look into too (especially if you catch it on massdrop again, that price is a steal), and I find the HP100 to be a GREAT all around, closed set of cans. The HP100 has great sound stage and instrument separation for closed, if you want to go that route.

My budget I was aiming for was sub $300

Do you have or plan to get a dac or amp?

There are a lot of good headphones in this price range. If you value good sound and bass impact, and have an amp to go with it, the Mad Dogs might be a good choice. IF you don't have and plan on getting an amp, the MA900 is a solid choice. The whole Fidelio line-up is also a good choice, though I am not familiar with their need for amping. The link below is a great resource for headphones from a gaming perspective.



I might in the future get a dac but I don't have the budget right now.

I am really attracted to these HP100s you recommended, reviews seem great but I was pretty dead set on open headphones since I have never had any I wanted to see what the hype was about. Is the soundstage really comparable to something like the MA900s?

I haven't had the MA900 (but I do have the HP100), but I think that the sound stage of the HP100 will be nowhere near what you get with something like the MA900. I know that comparing my HP100 against my Q701, the sound stage of the Q701 is much larger than the HP100. That said, the only time that the difference in the sound stage really makes a difference to me is when I am listening to something that is really complex like an orchestra or techdeath. If you need the sound stage for some "professional footstep listening" as I've heard it called, then opened is definitely the way to go. However, if you aren't trying to play competitive first person shooters, and don't listen to very complex music, then I don't think that you would miss the reduction in sound stage. I personally love my HP100 and think that most people would really appreciate them as well. Definitely a solid choice in the price bracket. It would also leave you enough cash to get a dac and amp if you were so inclined.

Well I really appreciate all of your help, you have given me a lot to chew on which was what I was looking for.


If you were curious what I settled on I picked the Fidelio X2. They went to the max of my price range but I feel like it was the only option that had no compromises. Extremely high build quality with metal and leather, replaceable velour/memory foam ear pads, detachable cable, open back with decent soundstage, and highly rated sound with above average bass for open headphones. I would not of found these without you pointing me in the direction of the fidelio lineup so thanks again!

No problem. I hope that you are satisfied when they arrive. I have no doubt that you will love them.