High FPS or High Quality Imaging?

I myself prefer a higher FPS over higher image quality, but that's mainly due to the fact I play MOBAs like LoL, DoTA, HoN, list goes on... not really much eye candy in those games.

well for me i increase details until i get to about 40 fps then i stop

Yeah I'm right there with you. As long as I am getting a decent FPS, I will then start to boost the image quality as high as I can.

I always try to get stable 50-60 FPS first and only sacrifice framerate when graphics become unbearably ugly.


For me it depends on the game. I drop settings on shooters (when on multiplayer only) because that is not what I focus on. 

60fps on pc ive got a old console that plays low freamrate's

is there a site you can go to that will estimate your fps and resolution when you plug in your parts?

At least 30 fps minimum but aim for 60 and can't sell a real diffrance Amy high 

Whatever the framerate is, it must be stable and never go down OR UP. Playing at an average of 45 doesn't cut it for me, because the subtle ways the input and visual feedback fluctuate with the framerate throws me off. I prefer 60 FPS, so I generally adjust settings to whatever will let me play at that rate.

I'm a recovering console gamer so anything over 30fps is gravy so I crank the settings all the way up.

My only exception to this is if I'm playing FPS or other games which require smooth frame rate over fancy graphics for proper play.

i would like variable graphical settings which automatically drops quality when the framrate dips below 40fps

and cranks up quality when the frame rate goes over 60fps

More games need to take advantage of Super sampling where the game is rendered out to a higher resolution than what your native resolution is, then downscales them to your native resolution. This creates a sharper image with less pixel seperation removing the "jaggies" what shouldn't be in the rendered 3d images in the first place. This allows you to remove hardware and software anti-aliasing freeing up otherwise wasted GPU useage for a minimal gain. Let's face it people, most people have a hard time discerning the difference between x4 MSAA and x8 MSAA and the performance drop from x4 to x8 is pretty steep. The performance drop from expanding the rendering field out x1.5 or x2.0 your native resolution is far less than cramming as much MSAA you can into native rendered textures.

I am mostly an FPS player and in 99% of engines different frame rate effects mouse sensitivity. And even unstable frame rate that goes from 60 to 90 is not good. for me it's best to keep the framerate as stable as possible.

Overall I would like high frame rate but in some cases having a stable 30 is still a good option.

If I can't lock a game at rock-solid 60fps minimum I simply won't play it. When it comes to performing it shooters, framerate is everything. When I am playing competitively in tournies and CEVO matches in BF3 I turn settings all the way down, in pubs I play on high, with textures and effects quality set to ultra.

considering your monitor probably maxes out @ 60

I just turn the settings down to insure that I never drop. Some maps I average 80 fps on ultra and some maps I average 55-60. The B2K maps in particular are badly optimized. Also, getting a 120hz monitor very soon, and yes I play with vsync.