High end gaming / rendering PC, opinions?

So I have a good idea of what components I want for my build, I definitely want to overclock (Only if I watercool) and do SLI, possibly watercooling. I will be using this for uni work, gaming and will also be doing a lot of rendering in Cinema4D, Maya and stuff like Sony Vegas, PhotoShop etc... I know I can get similar results for a lot cheaper but at the end of the day I want something which will still be good in 3 or so years time because I don't plan on upgrading again for a few years atleast unless it's for small things like adding more ram or hard drives.

Also whilst I can have a decent budget in the longterm (£4500 | $5500), short term I can't afford it all in one go, so I will be breaking the build up in to parts, with four month gaps in between each part...

  • Part 1 will be buying : Case, Motherboard, cpu, ram, PSU - Storage and GPU will be taken out of my old build
  • Part 2 will be buying: Two GTX Titans
  • Part 3 will be buying: Watercooling stuff (Will plan this out closer to the time as it's not a definite thing yet)

Would you guys advise I buy the stuff in parts, or should I just save the money up and then just buy the whole lot??

Also if you have any suggestions on the parts I have selected feel free to suggest alternatives, I wouldn't mind reducing the cost here and there as long as I am able to keep similar performance, anyway here is the parts http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/user/seriuzbuzinez/saved/2du8

And the same parts below if you don't want to use the link

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-3930K 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor  (£437.99 @ Aria PC)

  • CPU Cooler: Corsair H60 54.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler  (£53.52 @ Scan.co.uk)

  • Motherboard: Asus Rampage IV Extreme EATX LGA2011 Motherboard  (£305.98 @ Dabs)

  • Memory: Kingston Beast 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-2400 Memory  (£131.91 @ Amazon UK)

  • Storage: Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  (£88.74 @ Aria PC)

  • Storage: Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  (£88.74 @ Aria PC)

  • Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX Titan 6GB Video Card (2-Way SLI)  (£789.99 @ Dabs)

  • Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX Titan 6GB Video Card (2-Way SLI)  (£789.99 @ Dabs)

  • Case: Corsair Obsidian Series 800D ATX Full Tower Case  (£219.00 @ Amazon UK)

  • Power Supply: Corsair 1200W 80 PLUS Platinum Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply  (£230.97 @ Amazon UK)

  • Optical Drive: Asus BW-12B1ST/BLK/G/AS Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer  (£76.11 @ Amazon UK)


are 2 titans realy worth it? compaired to a GTX780 SLi ?

anyway, i would put in  quad channel memory, instead of  dual channel, because its a great advanice of  that cpu.


+1 on this.  From what I have seen with the 780s preform almost as good as the Titans do and are a few hundred cheaper. This video shows the benchmarks(only as single GPU preformance though), there is also a 1080p one if you would like to see it:


I also agree with quad channel, especially on a rendering PC, you will need it. I would also recommend getting a good SSD for your OS and your programs and projects(not games), atleast 120GB, preferably 250GB. And why not get a 900D? I hear they made a lot of upgrades from the 800D and people are a lot happier with it as well as it gave a lot of new options for cooling and such.

Wait for Ivy-E,it has real pcie3.Should be out before too long.

Maximus/Rampage/Crosshair boards are overpriced for what they do.

I agree with 900d,especially if you will be watercooling it has ample room for anything you want to put in.

Invest in a better aio watercooler if you will use one,h60 is has an aluminum radiator you'd want at an h80 at least.

Lga 2011 is quad channel memory,make sure you get a quad channel kit.


I modified your build to include two 780s instead of the Titans. This allowed me to fit 32gb of really nice RAM, some higher quality HDDs, an SSD, and a better cooler into your budget


Would just like to say thanks as you both made great points, and yeah I will definitely be using two GTX 780s after seeing the SLI benchmarks... something I completely overlooked... I am will probably just use the Samsung SSD out of my laptop as it don't give me enough storage. And I looked at the 900D and that thing is massive, I would have to rebuild my desk... I will think about the 900D :D

Yeah I heard about the new Ivy-E... I won't even be ably to buy anything until mid - late september anyway so hopefully by then we will hear something about it, also what other motherboards would you recommend which are just as good? I choose what I did as it can do dual x16 slots, and as above I will think about the 900D, I only choose that watercooler as I plan to eventually do a custom loop so the AIO cooler will only go to waste, or I could sell it I guess.

Thanks that was a big help, I have an SSD from my laptop which I could use, and I could buy another identical one and raid them I guess...