Hey guys, im just wondering if you could give me some advice / sample builds of a Mid - High End Gaming PC. Im looking to spend a maximum of £1,500 but I can stretch alittle if needed. I have looked around for about 2 days now mxing and matching parts together and im just wondering if you guys had any ideas.
This will also be my first PC I have built from scratch by myself.
What im looking for..
- Capable of Running 3 Screen Eyefinity on most modern games at a reasonable FPS.
- Good processing speed for rendering.
- Suggestions for the 3 Eyefinity Screens to use that are cheap / value for money.
- Just a good quality gaming PC that will last for abit.
- Note: Maybe even scrap the Eyefinity for a solid high quality screen.
Also I have heard something about a new AMD Beta Driver that improves FPS by alot, will that be a better option now than a high end 600 series card?
Thanks, Rhyiz.