Hey guys randomly my disc usage shoots up to 99% I have ran several virus scans, nothing comes up :/
Here is a pic of the task manager
Hey guys randomly my disc usage shoots up to 99% I have ran several virus scans, nothing comes up :/
Here is a pic of the task manager
I'm assuming you're on Windows 8.1?
I have had a similar issue too and haven't figured it our yet myself. Makes my laptop slow as hell.
Yup windows 8.1, happened with my old rig sometimes too not sure if its some kind of virus
I don't believe it is. I have ran several scans all with different software and found nothing. It is just disk use too not much CPU usage as you'd expect from a virus.
still makes my rig slow as hell and annoys the fuck out of me anyone know a fix>?
Pagingfile/ virtual memory/ hibernation settings ?http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-performance/windows-8-high-disk-usage/92b49532-cc0a-4d76-85e8-3feac932e373 :) It was the first thing i thought of.
I find it happens after a fresh install. The reason? INDEXING. I turn it off.
Looks like you have some junk running that needs to be shut down. Without knowing more and based on what you provided, I can already see 2 apps/processes that are hogging up nearly a half gig of memory -- "LolClient.exe (32-bit)" and "Skype (32-Bit)". Those 2 alone are quite piggish. And since the list is only showing about 1/4 of the junk, I'd say you have a lot more apps/processes running which is causing Windows to swap RAM with virtual memory on your hard drive -- like it should!