I've recently noticed that when I watch Twitch streams my cpu frequency spikes and stays almost maxed out. This seems to occur in Skype as well when I'm loading messages but not in most programs. I thought it might be flash related but videos on Youtube give me no problems and everything is generally fine. While the cpu frequency is locked so high the temperature rises exponentially until eventually the pc crashes. The memory being used also seems to continuously rise. This is depicted by these two screenshots.
I imagine it's a software issue. Something isn't clearing the memory correctly, something is also probably looping causing the heavy load on the cpu. I'm not sure why it would do this for twitch though and not youtube. Try updating programs that cause these problems and maybe that will help. It's a strange problem and I'm sorry I'm not entirely sure
none of this is normal. streaming shouldn't use up that much cpu power, it definitely shouldn't have used up 70% of his memory, and his cpu shouldn't be overheating to the point that it crashes.
Especially since streams can often be higher quality than youtube (at least at 1080p) due to the possibility of higher bitrates and higher fps - some streams run at 60 fps.
If everything is functioning properly, his cpu would not be overheating. If functioning streaming overheats his computer, so would booting. A stock AMD cooler can handle any process except excessive overclocks, which he said he is not. It may get loud while under load but it certainly wouldn't overheat. There is also no explanation for the high memory usage. Something is allocating itself more and more memory without properly clearing memory. He even said his memory usage would climb. There is a broken program somewhere on his computer.
Chrome has multiple processes, just one of them is using 12% of his cpu. Processes are going to be stratified for safety and functionality. There is a process for handling each page, just as well there are probably several being used for streaming. Each plugin and extension within chrome will have it's own processes and beyond that chrome isn't the only application involved. Just reading that top line, and trying to ballpark with task manager anyways, is going to be misleading.
I'm not saying that this isn't a normal frequency, and I'm not necessarily saying that frequency = how hard your cpu is working. I'm saying that a signature of a broken process within an application is looping. Some program is probably skew, and seeing as he only sees this during streaming twitch, it might be related the stream. When a program starts looping it taxes the cpu, it can start allocating memory space for itself. This may memory may not even be used, but the program is still allocating the space. The program won't reallocate or clear the memory and you'll start to see climbing memory use, which he stated he did see when streaming. A bugged program also can't use 100% of the cpu's processing power. Its very like to be single threaded, which on his cpu is exactly 12.5% of the cpu total processing power. Its not a coincidence that the task manager is showing chrome to use exactly 12%. The cpu is effectively maxed out and temps will continue to climb until his computer shuts down.
Bu tI am not wrong that his PC should not shut off at any rate. He needs better cooling if his CPU running at full throttle on ONE core will cause it to shut down from heat.
This is completly normal, this is how cool n quiet works. If system is idle it clocks the cpu down to 1.3GHZ, wenn you gonne use the system, nomatter what, if its just one core or all 8, then the speeds jumps up to its maximum speed, since the turbo core of a FX8320 lays arround 4.0GHZ as we see in his image, this is totaly normal.
Whenn his system shuts down, thats offcourse not normal, but okay the asrock 970 extreme 4 with only 4+1 powerphase and cheap ass vrm´s, combination with a powerhungry 8 core cpu, is not the most stable and best combination.
i cannot keep saying it enough, IF you wanne go with a FX 8 core cpu, For the love of god dont cheapout on a motherboard.
There are basicly no decent 970 chipsetboards that have a decent enough vreg design for powering a FX8 core. Only the Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 is a board with 6+2 powerphase and digi vrm. this is the only 970 board, that i would personaly recommend to using a FX 8core on. al the other 970 boards, are not realy designed for it. Its better to pickup a "Decent" 990FX chipsetboard if you have a FX83xx cpu
I offcourse dont say that your motherboard is causing the crashing issue, But i would not be supprised, if the Vreg of you mobo is completly overheating, causing the voltage to throttle, and that causes the system crash.
you are not wrong. A practical cpu shouldn't shut down even at full load except under certain conditions such as overclocking. I agree that he probably could use a better cooler, or perhaps some more/better case fans.
I didn't even think of motherboard issues. I don't know enough about them though to have any input on this idea. I assumed it was a bugged program mixed with poor cooling but the motherboard's ability to support the cpu definitely deserves some investigation.