whats the best external battery pack for a mobile device. id like a really high capacity one, like at least 30000mah and id like to actually be 30000mah and not 15000. ive found this one for 40 dollars http://www.amazon.com/ALLPOWERS-50000mAh-External-Portable-Blackberry/dp/B00FDLPMH2/ref=pd_cart_bxgy_2_p?ie=UTF8&refRID=1TR9PS3SHBWMHTH48F3K
but is it actually 50k mah.
Sweet Jesus, with that capacity it should have at least two 2.1A and three 1A ports.
Stay away from that Chinese shit, its actually like 5000mAh not 50000mAh which was a collosal failure as the first time I used it was a 500 mile road trip while I used my phone as a GPS, I didn't have a car charger
I use this and it is pretty well build:
looks like it hold only 20Ah battery or less. I would say those are Chinese exaggerated milliamp ratings which are basically 5-10X more than what is supposed to be. Unless those Lipo batteries are designed with 2010+ cellphone battery technology, I'm assuming it's 1 row 8 of 18650 cells, which could yield anywhere from 5.6 to 27.2Ah (Cheapest 18650 hold 700mah and highest hold 3400mah).
Judging from the 1 star ratings on amazon, they are giving it low rating cuz of it's actual rating. I could kinda see that from the contour of the design. Not very technical with electronics but that 'step down' regulator piece must not be very efficient.
Then again when compared to say american brands, it's a steal! Considering they are selling 1x18650 to 2x 18650 for anywhere from 15-60 bucks a pop.
Here's what they look like, and the last picture is one that I own it's approx. 10,000mah.