ok, so go there to read the article, but the tl;dr is this: scientists have found a particle that appears to be the higgs. we will know for sure on wednesday, but this is a huge breakthrough if they did find it. the wonderful people at LHC / CERN have been smashing attoms at different energy levels, trying to narrow down were the partical could exist (not going to go into how that works, ill post a TED talk down at the bottom). well, apparently they were at the right enerygy level, and the very small chance of one showing up occured.
for thoes that do not know, the higgs boson is the partical that gives everything mass. as in every atom you are made up of contains higgs, that give them mass, and in return give you mass. without it, the galaxies would not have formed and everything would be a soup of random particals. (and there is nothing to suport it, but in my oppinion its the small delay of higgsduring the big bang, when there was only one force that stopped an equal distribution of anti matter and matter, so thank the higgs if this is the case... otherwise you would be background gama radiation right now.)
Thrown out the window just so religous people can say 'Look, see we told you that science wasn't the real answer' I think that's a bad idea to throw it all away like that.
What I mean is, our current science model relies on the higgs existing. If it turns out the Higgs doesn't exist, scientists will have to rethink a lot of stuff, and find a new way of explaining existence.
science is a catch 22.... the more you learn, the more you dinf out about the universe and the need for a 'god' seems to disapear as you can now explain the unexplainable. we know how the universe was formed, how many billions of years ago it happened, and how all the starts formed. we know all the elements we are made up from came from space, trillions of years ago as stars exploded, becoming the forge for heavyer elements such as iron. yet, by understanding all of this, you realise the chances of this happening are astrinomicaly slow. you have to question weather we are alive because of sheer luck, or is there was devine intervention at play. the way attomic forces, atomic mass, isotopes and instability in certain atoms. if any of this was off by just a fraction of the units we measure them in, i doubt we would have galixies, nebulas, stars, planates, and so forth. seeing how amazing it is, there almost sort of has to be a god. it comes down to too theories in my mind. the universe has reset its self an infinite number of times, and with a series of infinite length, being compleatly random, conditions perfect for life are bound to arize somewhere. or, theres a god.
i did partial arts for about 9 1/2 years. when i started learning kodudo, my sense talked about channeling chi and how powerful it could be. i was sceprical at first, but after about 2 years, he started to show me and some of the other advanced students some nifty stuff. (keep in mind, this man was 68 at the time). he asked one of us to throw a punch at him as hard as we could. well, i was the volunteer, and after holding back a few punches and being yelled at, i finaly threw a punch full force at him. he grabbed my arm, ended swinging me arround and throwing me 2 or 3 feet from were he was standing.
after that, he showed us how he could make paper float, as well as knocking people off their feet with the lightest tap. he ended up teaching martial arts to the swat team and a bunch of other stuff.... it was some crazy shit. if i would have seen it on tv, i probubly would not have believed it.