I'll be moving my movie collection from Linux based standalone NASes (one is old D-Link Sharecenter and other one is WD MyCloud) to server based on Win Server 2016. Is there a way to automate tagging files/folders with names like ". HiddenFile.mkv" (yes, that is dot followed by space at the beginning) or ".Hidden Folder" to be assigned hidden attribute under windows and renamed to remove dot or dot followed by space?
If I search for .* it also includes anything with extension, that's why I was hoping for some powershell magic so it would exclude extension from search. Also, if I include space in there ". *" it also gets ignored.
That would only exclude exe's. But you might be able to write an exclude that has to have at least 1 character before the dot, and use .* instead. Unfortunately I don't know what ruleset the PowerShell RegEx follows...
I thought something like .+[\.]* for the exclude, but in RegexPal (hope the link works) this also matches dotfiles for some reason (I'm not good with regex)
/edit actually the link matches differently then when I edited it .. ? what /edit2 nevermind, just add a new line and it looks like mine, small bug in the thingy.
ooohhh that can't work, it matches the dot multiple times -__-
[\w\d\s][\.].* seems to work, but when I add a * to the first group it finds everything again... soooo, weird...
/edit3 This works: .+[\.].+ - Any character one or more times [dot] any character one or more times.