Hi need help in a buget gaming pc

i looking for 500 or less for amd apu or fx 6100 or higher or intel i5 but i dont think 15 i can do 500.  i am not a computer guy but need pc to run sc2, dota 2, lol and bf3. i am handicap so money is  tight :(. i heard that apu 10 can run bf3 without video card but i am not sure about that maybe u guys know better than me? any help will be appreciated. 

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/KxQf $310.70

This should do just fine without hurting the pocket book that much.

I went ever so slightly over budget but this I believe would give you the best performance without skimping too much, The Phenom II 965 black edition would be a better processor than the 6100 especially overclocked, you get alot more performance out of it. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/JvpP


hmm i found out that apu 10 in my tigerdirect is 109.99 hmm:


Yeah you could totally throw an A10-5800k into the build that I posted.

hmm yeah ur right

I don't know from which country you are, but ''rommel'' in Dutch means ''junk'' haha.

i am in usa

$504 Without Rebates http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Kynm

You can play bf single player on OC-ed 5800k and superclocked ram which is not a wise investment, and you will be ab,e to play only SP on low settings (forget MP).

