Hexxeh Chromium OS not installing correctly

Okay so I wanted to install Chromium OS on my laptop to see what the fuss is about and see what its like from someone who has never lived with the OS.

So I downloaded Hexxehs build, I know its over a year out dated but I was hoping to install it and then upgrade to chrome OS.

So it installs fine apart from 1 part, there is no bootloader at all, my system cant boot to Chrome OS at all, works via USB and installs fine just does not work after reboot.

So is there a way to fix this? another ISO possibly? the hardware is an AMD A4 5000 APU 8GB RAM (I know its a 32bit OS) and 120 840 Evo SSD


Any suggestions?


I think I remember it only working on certain laptops and that it needs to be 32bit.

Hmm, I don't suppose Chromium as any repository-type install scripting?

I would try installing some distro alongside it just to see if GRUB (or any other bootloader - GRUB is probably your best shot, though) can work with it. That's the best advice I can give.

Did you use the vanilla or lime build?  You said that it installed correctly so you must have been okay with the wireless card because that was my roadblock, and I even tried it on 4 or 5 different laptops.  So your wireless card must be supported.  Check the hash of the image you used.

My CPU can support both x86 and x64 systems, so the bits are not an issue, I could try running something like manjaro along side it, would be decent  :) I dont know how much space chrome takes and I used a Vanilla build, and wireless card is fine :)