Legal/License: If he wants to use pirated software, or already has a license he can reuse, you bringing it up wasn't really necessary. Anyway, there are opportunities for free legal copies as well (students). I myself used to have a legal win2k and winxp license that I could reuse as many times as I wanted and worked on several machines all at once, updater had no issues with it. If I still had the keys I could still use them today I think, I didn't see any time limit on them. Maybe since Vista they do it differently but there's still the opportunity of free legal copies. My point is more, if he didn't specify the software cost needed to be included, you should assume he already has it or knows how much it costs in his available stores and thus can be safely ignored.
Office: I was fairly sure you meant more than just OpenOffice itself, I only mentioned Libre because I haven't used Open in a long while, and Libre is a fork of Open so they don't differ all that much and I doubt that since the fork one has made a significant improvement over the other in terms of compatibility. The bigger issue is really MSoffice that refuses to use open standards, if they did the office suite choice would be truly irrelevant. But since they don't, it's safer to use the software your clients/coworkers use. In Word for example you might be trying to do a certain layout that works in MSWord but not Libre/Open version of Word (end of page comes to mind, in the document created in Word it was where it should have been and in LibreOffice it had an extra white page because it doesn't show the document the same way, this causes "problems" when printing and wanting a certain layout, I'm sure end of page isn't the only thing causing such problems).
RAM: Adequate would be about right, if you're really light on usage or like I said reboot often or close the browser often. If you're like me however, and your pc runs for months on end (if there are no issues) and you don't like closing the browser for whatever reason (browsers don't always remember open tabs very well.... sadly) and you browse a lot, then you can easily hit 3GB on your browser alone. I've done it on so many occassions that I started closing the browser when the RAM was full. Which was way more often than I liked.
And yes, I really did mean RAM usage. It might be a plugin/extension issue but so far I've had it with 3 different browsers that after a while take up all the RAM they could before I ran out. And when I ran out, it began paging. At one point I had a 10GB pagefile because Chrome was taking up so much RAM and was still increasing the pagefile as I watched, though tbh, I think that particular case had a memory leak or other bug because you could really see the pagefile grow while looking at it.
From what I can gather, closing tabs doesn't clear them out of memory and they stay there until browser is closed. Not even using the clear cache and everything feature helped me, only restarting the browser frees up the memory. I encounter this over 2 different os's, 2 different browsers, many different versions of these browsers. So I'm inclined to think these 2 browsers at least are very flawed when it comes to this.
Right now, my browser is taking up 1GB RAM and I have restarted it about 24hours ago. So for my personal use, it's still ok. But if you only have 2GB, and Windows takes up anywhere between 700MB and 1GB depending on how much you trimmed it (might go even less perhaps) and the browser takes up 1GB, you don't have much left. With an SSD caching and paging might not feel so slow, but still better not having to cache/page a whole lot imo.
For my personal usage, 4GB is just about enough, sometimes too little. If you're really doing lightweight stuff, you might get away with 2GB, but if you can work 4GB in your build, you should imo.