Hi, I wanted to say a big thanks to everibody who will bother even to read this. And sry for my grmmmr, it has been a while since I wrote something seroious in English and also I am on a phone.
First some anwers to those questions
I am from Latvia and we have those fancy € over here. The market for parts is kind of stagnatic and slowish to get newest stuff, but it looks like only decent parts are imported. Shiping from outside EU would wreck me because of taxes. Shiping from other EU countries is a problem because I dont speak their languages good enough to try it. Shiping from UK is an option, but € lost a lot of value and curency exchange might be a bad idea.
ill work with this pc as well. Autocad, revit, gis and anything else i can find contracting work for, but main concearn is gaming.
no overclocking, maybe later if I end up with parts that support it
no watter, dont want to risk it first time
I like all kinds of games and I want to be able to max out them in 1080p, the way I understand I could not max out them in 1440p with what I am looking at.
I dont want to sli because I dont want to make it more complicated the first time, also I want to be able to sli later with gtx 980
Here is the setup I am thinking about. here is PP link, but I could not find all parts there, RAM and monitor. So there is full list below
Workstation and X99 - yes why not. Although too save cash look to the 1150 xeon's with hyperthreading (i7 but no integrated gpu). You'd be surprised as to how powerful they are.
850w psu is overkill but at least you wont exceed 50% of its output meaning it will be dead silent.
Would suggest a more reliable HDD - latest Hitachi's or WD's. I have a hard time having faith in Seagate hdd's these days apart from the constellation series.
Best to utilize the quad channel memory of the x99 socket - so 4 sticks is advised.
1x gtx980 will smoke through any 1080p content and wont break a sweat for 1440p content either.
Even though you said it's a problem ordering from another country in the EU, i'd still go and take a look at overclockers.co.uk and geizhals.de . You can find some really good deals and it could cost you less with shipping than buying at a local shop. I would agree with @deejeta, go for a quad kit for the memory, you can get the Kingston HyperX @2400 CL15 for about 160€. Otherwise the build looks pretty good. I'd just add a budget for the build, so we can help you more
I cant find any xeons in local shops. And ordering it from Uk would cost me the diference in shiping.
I forgot to ask about PSU, i took 850w because I want to be able latter sli with another 980. Should I change it out for a 550-600 and buy a new one when I am actualy ready to sli? Would lose more money in electricaty bills?
I took a look at shops and it look like 4gb ddr4 rams are somewhat rare, it would end up cheaper to buy anoather HyperX Fury KIT and I would end up with 32gb overkill ram, would I still gain anythin then from quad channeling?
Would I be able to max out settings on 1440p? I want an IPS so does the resolution not take only second place after effects like motionblure and AA?
Ill check those sites, but a cupple months ago i looked at prices of shiping from USA and amazon Uk and it ended up eather more expensive or about the same as buying here, but the selection was better.
Also my german is real bad so I dont feal so confident in ordering from there.
Also there is the question of warranty, the local internetshop has somewhat decent rep anout such things.
From what I remember, warranty shouldn't be a problem in most EU countries (shouldn't be in any, but there are). I believe they have to give you a 2 year warranty on any product bought in the EU, you just have to take it to a official dealer/service if anything goes wrong. As for the german site, yeah it's a bit harder to understand but for pure price comparison it shouldn't be a problem ( http://geizhals.de/?m=1 - here you have catagories of products). Just a suggestion anyway :) Also, check out http://de.pcpartpicker.com/parts/partlist/ - english version but with euros ( german based companies listed though) If you plan on going sli a bit later, say a year or two, just keep the bigger PSU. Wasted money if you're going to buy another PSU later and a GPU just to go sli, since it's going to cost you more to buy another psu and sell the old one/keep in case. As for the monitor, I'd look into response time first (around the 5ms mark for an IPS). You might be able to max out setting in 1440p, but with toned down AA, since you won't need as much at 1440p
Green drives are pretty good but as they are energy conscience drives they kick down to a low power state and park their heads - for example you have your system running for awhile - then open up file manager and browse that green hdd - it may take a few seconds and you'll hear it spinning up. You can of course get around that with even a simple script that does some mundane task that accesses the disk every 5 mins or so ~ stops it from going to sleep. There are some killer 3tb Hitachi drives about at the moment - Deskstar 7K3000. Heres decent rundown on HDD of late.
OK, so I took all of your sugestions and changed some stuff.
Before my build got this expensive I compared German prices and I camed up saving about 100€ after shiping, now it probably would be slightly more, but I decided to buy from local shop for the sake of convinience.
But I will order some stuff from UK, even tho things are a little bit more pricey for me there, the inventory there has more options.
As for rest of sugestions...
I could not get my hands on the hdd you sugested, but I found a WD alternative. If it is not good enough I could probably get the one you sugested, but I would cost notably more.
I forgot to add, I am somewhat uncertain about the mobo I have chosen. Is Gigabyte GA-X99-UD3 a good mobo? Or should I look for something diferent. I saw some other ones like Gigabyte X99M Gaming 5 and I did not see good enough reason to chose it over ud3 so I stuck with it, but I must admit I find mobos the most confusing component of them all, so many manifacturers, so many models.