
I have an fx 8350 with a corsair h55 on an asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0 mobo. I have it on asus optimal and it is running at 4.34 Ghz and i decided to run prime 95. At the biggining it was alright but after test 12 where it began again from the top worker six stopped and said: error illegal sumout and possible hardware failure. It went up to 57 C

what does that message mean ? is there a problem in the cpu?


this is the result file :

[Sat May 10 11:37:52 2014]
Self-test 8K passed! X8
[Possible hardware failure, consult readme.txt file, restarting test.
Maximum number of warnings exceeded.
[Sat May 10 11:53:33 2014]
Self-test 10K passed! X8

its just unstable.... there is no problem with the cpu itself just needs to be tweaked into being stable, what are your current settings