
i was installing windows 7 and my new computer turned off i waited to see if it was restarting but didnt come back on now my computer turns on but there is no american trends boot screen and none of the ports work no video no usb i really need some help..

umm.... your probably fucked. you probably fried something. try resetting the cmos, that might help

how do i do that?

Read your motherboard manual it will show you where it is and how to do it (its difernt for differnt boards)


easy way to reset cmos is to unplug pc and remove the battery from the motherboard  wait 2 min then replace battery.

i did what the manual said nothing changed stil nothing happened the hard drive light was flashing so i left it on i will check it in a little bit but if it doesnt work what will i need? motherboard? 

please give  me the specs of youre new build.


amd a8 5600k

ecs 8a55f2-m3

orion hp485d

8 gb kimgston hyperx

wd 500 gb blue





do i just need a new motherboard?


check you harddrive sata connector. makes sure it's plugged in on both ends....

maybe, i hope not but i could be.

first of all, you can try to take out youre memory sticks and put them back in again.

if its not working either then, im realy affraid something went wrong, with the mainboard, or the cpu.

but  if you have a power supply left, or a diffrent computer where you can test youre psu, then you could also try that first.


it shouldnt be the psu because its turning on right?

i just want to be able to know if its the motherboard or cpu or both so i can replace them

na wenn its turning on, that doesnt say much, but probabley its youre mainboard.


but it still also can be a faulty  psu, so if you have a pc where you can test the psu in , then its allways worth trying it.


but you can send the mainbord to RMA i suppose?

The best thing to do is take everything out of the case and conect it up (put some cardboard down on a table top where you place the motherboard)

This will rule out if you have eny shorting out problems (if eny) with the motherboard and see if your computer boots up

Allso a psu can be bad even if it starts up especially if it has multiple rails

+1  i just wanted to post that, he can try to take out the psu and motherbord, lay down the motherbord on the motherbord box, connect the psu and monitor, and fire it up outside the case. you can connect the  frontpanel power switch calbe to the header on the mainboard, if you like then you can use the power button from the case to fire it up.

how do i tell if its the cpu or mother board or both?

I doubt it's the CPU, I've never managed to dammage a CPU even when I fried the whole board, I'd guess your motherboard or your powersupply since neither of the brands you got are known for being well made.

what do you recommend i replace first i dont really have any way to test these. psu?

If both are still under warrenty, save yourself the headache and send both back...

Take everything apart, remove the CMOS battery, clean dust off everything with a tack cloth (sold at most auto parts repair shops) put everything back together, reinstall CMOS battery, try again. If that doesn't work, check ebay for a replacement motherboard if the one that you have isn't a standard size. If it is, just get a different one of the socket FM1 flavor and install everything onto it instead. Remember that when you go to swap CPUs to a different motherboard you'll have to remove the heatsink and then the processor, so you will need some new thermal paste and some alcohol and coffee filters to get the old stuff off.