You might be able go through the settings with the TV and see if it supports 1080P correctly, what driver version are you on with your GPU?
If you are one of the latest driver versions, go into your crimson settings and enable VSR. Not on my Desktop at the moment so can't give step by step.
VSR will allow you to display resolutions higher than your display can output.
EDIT: okay here are the
Enabling VSR using AMD Radeon Settings
Right click on the Desktop and choose AMD Radeon Settings Click Display Switch on Virtual Super Resolution
That driver should be fine, hmmm. Might just be some problem with the monitor itself. I got nothings so far what might be a fix, I guess just deal with the 720P for now.
It's an Acer B326HK I got as a refurb a year ago for $550. All in all, it's pretty nice. I wouldn't mind it being a 36" instead of 32" but my eyes are still good enough that I can see everything without any scaling.
Retina Display Manager on Mac lets me run over the rated resolution. It was intended to let people run their retina Macbooks at the full screen resolution, but it has a few steps beyond that. Looks like total shit if you go beyond the rated resolution, so I don't really use it much.
lol I was actually, Early in my IT career, when I started. I was working in Help Desk Roles. Pretty much telling people to reboot their computers all day; and best of all I was a "Genius" according to the end users.