So when i changed my resolution on my monitor league of legends and other mobas like that my mouse starts to dissapear and glich out... and do some funky weird stuff please help!!!
For Starters.....
run your PC and games at the monitors res you have
i have it still does it... idk why
when i try to go back..... my screen goes all fucky
whats your monitors res ?
naative is 1360x720 but im running it at 1920x1080i because that fits my tv the best
See now there is a problem
explain? im just wanting my shit to run properly im sick of this messing up and that messing up
Your trying to run a 720P display at 1080P
no im trying to run 1080p on a 1080p tv :P
Your words
the tv is graded for 1080 TV display but when i hooked my monitor up it just auto put it to 720... but yet its a 1080 tv
I lot of tvs are sold as HD and are only 720P and can play 1080P
Desktops like to run 1 on 1 so your display is like tiny 1360x720
ok so how to i set everything back with out.... it ruining my shit lol i cant seem to set it back up
The TV may be capable of displaying content in 1080P or 1080i (interlace which its basically half of the frame switching in and out to fake 1920 x 1080)
Its very odd, for computers it will only go as high as the recommended display settings that windows tells you.
It wont display properly, which sucks but that just how TVs are with their trickery on their boards.
Desktop will look pretty funky but in game will look fine, so what you can do is just switch resolutions every time you go back to your desktop or just play your games in full screen at 1080P
but even that... my mouse curser still gliches... and dissaperas
Take the TV back and get one that native 1920x1080
all I got