Help!: Xeon 1230 v2 and a Gigabyte GA-Z77N?

Hey guys, I am thinking of building a portable editing pc. As mostly editing will be done on the computer I want to use a xeon chip, but I have absolutely no idea if is the xeon and the gigabyte motherboard are compatible and will work efficiently together. 

Links to the motherboard and cpu:

Xeon 1230 v2 -


Gigabyte GA-Z77N -




stick with desktop hardware, server hardware is made for running VM's and data storage/management, not heavy processing. and for an editor, you want an i7 or 8350. 

it's more about the case, take a look at CM's storm-series cases

storm scout: 20lbs w/ handle, mid tower

storm trooper: 30lbs, handle, full tower

storm stryker: white storm trooper with a window


Cormissar pretty much summed it up, great advice!

whats the budget

GigabusterEXE -  The budget is around anything under $1500 AUD (Note I used Newegg because I know most of the guys on the forum are America), So that'd be a around $1400, I think. 

Commissar - I was wanting to go Mini-itx with the build because of the BitFenix Prodigy and it being a killer case, especially for what I will be doing with it. And Thankyou for helping me =)


Cheers guys 

Also, I am also including the price of a $205 AUD monitor