Help with very first build? $700

Hey guys, i want some help with my first build. 

Budget: $700

Country: US

Retailer: no preference 

Peripherals: i have-mouse, keyboard, speakers, monitor,

Use: Gaming

Overclocking: just minor overclocking in future, no need for aftermarket fan just yet. 

Custom water cooling: Nope

OS: I have one


FPS: 45+ is good enough for me, 

Resolution: 1080p if possible with this budget.

Games I play: League, Boarderlands,

Games I'd like to play: Assassins Creed, Dayz, Titan Fall, Watchdogs, 

Render: No i dont


Others Thoughts. 

I Prefer quality parts over being cheap. I wouldn't mind sacrificing a couple fps if it means having quality parts.

I really like sleek looking cases, like the corsair 330r. Im not really interested in having my case look like a transformer lol. 

I dont mind having a hard drive instead of an SSD for now, id rather have the money go towards a better gpu. 

Quad core is good enough for me. since i will just use it for gaming. 

No need for psu overkill, not planing on sli or anything. i think 450 watts is good enough.

8gb at 1600 is probably good enough for me. 

I've been interested in building a pc for a while now (i think since sandy bridge, ive been trying to keep up with my pc knowledge) so i have a basic knowledge of computers. but i'm sure building it would be totally different from just watching videos online. 

Also thanks so much for helping me out. i know its alot to read but, i hope it helps. Tell me what you think?

I built my sons pc with pretty much the same guidelines as you, I wanted to stay around $1000... but he didn't have peripherals or operating system.  He now games with really good FPS and we got him some relatively good gaming gear.  He is still a little kid who just plays Minecraft mostly... but this little desktop is easily upgradeable by adding a stronger GPU.  Check it out:

You can also opt for the Corsair 350D, looks very good imo. Furture upgrades include a cpu cooler( Cause stock is gonna drive you nuts) a ssd ( man the load speeds and system snap) maybe a few extra fans after testing the rig and deciding on where you need more air.

This build is $709, but good parts for overclocking. All it needs is a decent heatsink like the coolermaster 212 evo and you are set. 

Pro-tip.. don't get 970 motherboard for overclocking.. this asus I included is just a little more and has the 990x chipset and better design for overclocking in mind.

ya skimped out on the GPU.

If you can, pick up a Hyper 212 for cooling.  It will be loads better than the stock AMD one.