I have a NVIDIA GT 730 in my system now with all the drivers running, and next to me I have a newly purchased MSI GTX 960. I want to uninstall all the nvidia drivers and nvidia software, and reinstall all the drivers for the 960 when I install it. Here is a screenshot of all the nvidia stuff: 1. Do I just uninstall all that nvidia stuff from the control panel, and delete the nvidia system files? 2. When I install the 960 and get drivers for that, will all the NVIDIA things such as 3d vision driver and others be in the package you download from nvidia to install? When I look at the drivers for the 960, this is the only one that comes up for download (http://prntscr.com/7e4ttv). If this is just the driver, where do I get the PhysX and Miracaust and 3d vision drivers?
DDU. Display Driver Uninstaller. Should be over at guru3d. It will clean out thre drivers, their folders and clean up the registry of the entries.
Works great for my AMD installs and works with nVidia too.
Sorry no link I am on a phone.
Edit: sorry the drivers should include everything. Check the custom option when installing them and check through the list of features. If not the can be downloaded easily with a quick.search.
The nVidia installer has the option to "Perform a clean install" so after Windows recognizes your GTX 960, just overwrite the old driver with the new one using a clean install. You don't have to remove the previous driver manually.
If you want to, @Zibob is right to recommend DDU, however I have heard that it has (or had) problems with Windows 8.1.
The answer to whether you remove everything: Yes. I recommend you remove the GT 730 and use integrated graphics if you have that option. If not, you can actually remove the drivers while you have the card installed, but the screen will go blank while the Windows WDDM 1.0 driver kicks in.
You know the 3d vision nvidia software, miracast, hd audio driver (nvidia) and the physx, will those be installed by the GTX 960 driver package that I linked? It only says game driver on the nvidia site.
3D Vision is only for if you plan to play games in 3D, as in using a 3D capable monitor. It is, however; a default part of the WHQL 353.06 driver package.
Thanks for the help :D Would you recommend uninstalling the dirivers in control panel and deleting the nvidia files, or using DDU? Would DDU uninstall everything?
I'm sure DDU will work just fine. It seems all issues it had were patched out with the most recent versions. DDU removes all third-party display drivers, leaving only the stock Windows WDDM drivers.
What issues may there be anyway? If there did happen to be some issues, would installing the new drivers overrride the old ones if they were left behind by DDU?
They would update them. Remember that it's in nVidia's best interest that their driver package be as simple to deploy as it possibly can be for the consumer, so you should not in almost every circumstance have any problems with updating drivers.