Thanks I’ll try that when I try proxmox.
Right now I can’t get the dell software to register the h310 as a device and then have it see the drives to boot from.
If I do a direct connect from mobo to a drive it will install to that disk, and then the os will recognize the drives… so why can’t dell idrac?
Thought having this gear would help…little frustrated.
Tape wasn’t any use. The pcie card isn’t recognized by dell system. I found another guide I used before that involves using a Linux boot tool. But I couldn’t install that because my root was disabled…I’m giving up for the night… I’m about to set fire to it all… I think I need to install the uefi drivers because that’s how I’m booting the system… I’m at a loss…
I have gotten into the bios menu for the h310 that is in IT mode, all is well here and all drives are showing up properly as well as identification lights working.
I had attempted a cool down and cold start with electrical connections removed from the psu’s. This didn’t resolve the issue of idrac and dell software recognizing the drives, or the controller.
I may just have to add in a ssd for testing using the sata interface for the 5.25 drives to install a OS and see what happens. I did this previously with windows server and it worked… I guess I will have to rely on the hypervisor and hope it can monitor drive health.
Fan speed maxing out because of miss interpreted disk Temps hasent been a issue like I have seen some people have.
I may try windows to see if idrac has a driver for the lsi sas controller the h310 controller is flashed to.
Thats it so far.
It appears the dell life cycle controller can’t see the drives so I’m am looking into fixes so I can boot from one of the drives attached to sas backplane. If I can’t I may just opt for having to run a drive via sata to
motherboard, or when my sd adapter arrives go that route for OS install.
I installed ESXi on a usb… still no access to drives connected to the H310 SAS card that is flashed to LSI IT mode.
I must be missing something to get this to work. I may give up and have to rely on a hardware RAID to get any futher installing VM’s or setting up services.’
Kind of a big disappointment… I had high hopes for this gear. Maybe I should DISABLE the Dell Life Cycle Controller. Has anyone working with Dell servers from the 12th Generation setting them up for home use?