Help With New Build

I am finally looking into building a gaming PC! I am on a budget though of about $600 with some leeway.  Since I am new I do not really know what a good gaming PC consist so I was wondering if I could get help from you guys.

my suggestions would be these



Hope I helped :)

Does the $600 need to include an OS, monitor keyboards, etc?

Well, since OP has a monitor and WLAN adapter, I assume those are the only peripherals that need to be included.

750ti is about the same speed as the R7 260x.  However, it's known to be able to overclock A LOT, and can often match or beat R7 265 speeds.

Thanks, I'll mix and match parts from my part lists and some others.

Thanks, especially with next gen games becoming more demanding.  

"However, it's known to be able to overclock A LOT, and can often match or beat R7 265 speeds."

Proof, please.

Because from every review I read the 265 beats the 750 Ti in every game, both of them at stock speed AND both of them overclocked.

And the 750 Ti doesn't overclock by a LOT, the maximum speeds are artificially limited by NVIDIA. Techpowerup achieved about 14% increase in performance by using the maximum speeds allowed by NVIDIA (on an MSI 750Ti), while getting a 21% increase in performance with a Sapphire 265. The benchmarks were both made with Battlefield 3, so even the game favors one card over the other, the increase in performance is comparable.

EDIT: Plus, why would you buy a GPU that you need to overclock to outperform another GPU which runs at stock speeds and which costs the same money? Makes no sense to me.

Here is my build. It is small form factor for $645.. if you could get closer to $700, I was going to throw in a hyper212 evo CPU cooler and you could overclock it.

**Mine also included a 256GB SSD for os and games.,12.html

There was a larger price gap between the 750ti[$119] and R7 265[$150] the other day.

But as always with overclocking, it's the silicon lottery.  Your overclocking results may vary.

I'd stick with the AMD cards at that pricepoint, mantle seems to actually be adding a decent amount of fps to games, especially with the mid range gpu graphics cards, I also agree with the first reply on going with a 6300, the x4s are wprkhorses, but the fx series are better in almost every way


"There was a larger price gap between the 750ti[$119] and R7 265[$150] the other day."

Right now it's a $5 price gap on pcpartipicker. In my country the 750Ti is more expensive (by about $20).

"But as always with overclocking, it's the silicon lottery.  Your overclocking results may vary."

As shown in the techpowerup review of the cards. The 265 gained more from overclocking than the 750Ti, making the performance gap even larger.

This is why I wouldn't recommend buying a card over another because *SOMETIMES* it can overclock better than another model. Silicon lottery.

And thank you for the links.