I have been having a rough time with my graphic card of 5months. I just want to know if it a power supply issue. card issue and or a Linux issue. any info in me figuring out whats wrong would be awesome.
The issue I am experiencing is that once i push the power to start my PC my displays don’t come on but the system boots normal as i can remote in via ssh and see the system booted. The few thing i have found out is that when i do " lsmod | grep amdgpu " i see it didn’t load and i can manually load it.
my dmesg doesn’t show anything wrong when i boot only thing i see is missing amdgpu stuff and nothing in journalctl from the look of it also.
The things i have try are:
Update Bios to latest (F20)
I reinstall kernel-firmware
modprobe amdgpu
re plugging in my display cables
rest and shutdown my pc from ssh
and hard booting
I have not tried installing windows.
Hard rebooting seems to fixes it sometimes when my display aren’t working. Once i hard shutdown my system i can get my display on and i don’t get any crashes from web browsing and music playing.
Gaming is a little hit or miss once i do get it to work. It crashes and i have to hard reboot as ssh in to the system gives me errors from trying to use the shutdown or restart commands.
Sadly i don’t know if it is the card fault or not as it runs great when the display want to turn on (played bl3 and risk of rain 2 no crashes while playing bl3 only crashed when i quit the game).
Installing window is an option but sadly i have to boot normal in to linux with my hard shutdown and boot trick(?) to even see my bios when i reset normally to pick the USB to install windows.
Yeah sadly rx5700xt seems to either be a great card if you win some draw. I am hoping it something i am missing but it feels like my psu isn’t giving it enough power on first boot but on second boot after hard resetting it wants to work???
When you boot up, have no display, and ssh into the machine, does your 5700 appear in lspci? If you don’t see the device it’s probably a hardware issue. If you haven’t already, you could try putting the GPU in a different slot on the motherboard. Looks like that board has pretty limited PCI options but I think the card should work in the x4 slot. It wouldn’t get the great performance but may be enough to rule out a hardware problem with the board or with the card. (ie, if the machine boots up consistently with the GPU in the x4 slot, it may be a problem with the x16 slot on the board. If it doesn’t boot consistently, it may be a problem with the card or with the PSU). Do you have another PSU you could try? If it’s a modular PSU, do you have another PCIe cable you could swap in?
One is using an DP to HDMI and the other is a HDMI cable and is it known for good quality i wouldn’t know sadly the DP to HDMI one was well review off amazon but other then that sadly not to sure.
good question i don’t recall i just got home from work now and it booted normally no rebooting a bunch this time.
I would try and see tomorrow if it gives me issues, and i do have modular cables for my psu so i can try both of what you suggest
i also notices it has a mode swtich on my PSU im not to sure if im in normal " mode "or not so ill look in to that also if that somehow limiting the power on boot to not boot my card normally.