i have recently inherit a saphire 6950 from my older brother i was wondering wich cpu i should buy with wich moterboard (i'm from argentina) and a psu for the near future (i have a temporal psu to power a procesor) it's a budget build here is a place were you can look for prices in argentina www.mercadolibre.com.ar i would really appreciate your help i have 2600$ (pesos)
if your going for a budget gaming computer i would go amd, i personaly use amd and you get a lot of bang for your buck, a quad core would only be about $100, dont know what the price conversion is for pesos though
both of these parts im going to be using in a build for a friend of mine that is in the same boat
hope this helps
that motherboard does not get to argentina because of stupid importation policy i was thinking to buy a asus m5a97 pro and a 6300 or a 8320 2500/2600$ what do you think about that configuration i didnt find any other motherboard that would suport a 125 w procesor and i would rather go for a 6/8 core procesor for rendering and video editing plus some ocasional gaming
Asus M5A99FX pro R2.0
Asus M5A97 evo R2.0
Asus M5A97 R2.0
cpu FX6300 or FX8320/8350
grtz Angel ☺
ok i'm going with the Asus M5A97 evo R2.0 and the 8320 procesor any recomendations for the psu
i5 3470 vs 8320 wich one is better?¿
8320 is better i think :)
ok any psu you would recomend for a 6950 and a 8320
a 650W 80+ bronze from a good brand.
grtz Angel ☺
If you plan to be overclocking that 8320 i wouldnt recommend the m5a97 its 4+2 vrm thats not really suitable for overclocking the fx 8320(I suggest you read this for more info), im running THIS which has a 6+2 vrm that will handle pretty much everything the 8320 can throw at it.
He is going with the Asus M5A97 evo 2.0 that board has also 6+2 power phase. ☺
I am going to link everybody to a website called kbmod.com. (Keyboard Mouse Or Die). They do monthly builds on U.S currency (hopefulyl you can convert your currrency) for the price ranges of $500, $800, $1300, and finally $1800. Hopefully this can help you, I am linking everybody the April Buid, if your reading this and its like mid-month, click on build guides and pick the latest month.
thanks everybody for your advise and help i am gona read this all and then make a decition
i decided to go for a hale m 650w + 8320 (i'm not going to oc)+ 6950 + Motherboard Asus M5a78l-m/usb3 Am3+ ( because it's cheaper and my budget didn't allow me to go for the m5a97 evo rev 2.0)
what do you think.
please dont put a FX8320 on that board, then please pickup the Asus M5A97 R2.0 or the Gigabyte GA-970A-ds3. if you dont plan to oc!
I think i will save some more money and go for the m5a97 evo rev 2.0