Trying to update Linux, and getting the below errors message,
Please don’t delete if but allowed, some one help me
Trying to update Linux, and getting the below errors message,
Please don’t delete if but allowed, some one help me
Have you tried doing what it tells you to do?
Hey I’m not technically minded, what’s it telling me to do? I run “sudo - - configure - a” this doesn’t correct the problem
you forgot the dpkg
Oh shit, yep sorry I see now, thank you
Best way to do this is to copy and paste stuff from the terminal itself. You just need to a shift key to the usual copy and paste command.
So its:
Highlight terminal text with your mouse
Ctrl+Shift+C for copy and
Ctrl+Shift+V for paste
The flip side is, you need to be careful in copy and pasting commands because sometimes people will give maliciously formed commands that ruin your day. This is particularly true for the “dd” terminal command.
nah, copying pasta commands from the internet is not only safe its FUN! lol