Help with installing Ubuntu on a second hard drive

Hi guys,

I'm currently running Windows 7, however after trying out Ubuntu I decided to install version 14.04 LTS permanently and keep Windows only for gaming.

I installed Ubuntu on a separate SSD which I partitioned the following way:

/boot, /, /home, /swap

Every time I turn on my machine or reboot, it automatically boots into Windows. Likewise when I change the boot order to the other SSD with Ubuntu it will boot straight into Ubuntu.

What I need help with is that every time I boot or turn on the machine I want to have the option where I can select which version I want rather than having to go into boot menu to manually select.








If you run grub-update in ubuntu it should detect windows and add it to the grub menu. You may have to mount the windows disk before running grub-update.


It worked! Thanks man. Instead of coming up with just Ubutnu/Windows option it also shows couple of other options, something to do with checking disk..can't remember right now.

I'm a noob as you can tell so I'm determined to get my head around how GRUB works.

Yes, it has options for checking the RAM for issues as well as recovering your Linux OS.

You seem a little confused. First, you need to change the boot order in your BIOS -- not in GRUB! This way you will always boot to your Ubuntu drive first and not boot from your Windows drive. Then -- and only then -- do as Dexter suggested by allowing GRUB to decide what gets loaded.

... Either that or swap SATA cables.

I'm not confused, I'm just learning. Thanks for the above it's working fine now.

Hi there

I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 (with KDE Plasma 5.x) on my secondary Intel SSD where on my primary Samsung 840 Pro SSD Windows 8.1 Pro is installed without UEFI.

I remember Logan @Tek Syndicate talk in one of the vidcasts on Youtube that he installs Linux and Windows next to each other on seperate drives.

On the Ubuntu fora I found one specific topic. Can anyone here guide me in best practices direction ?

Oh man, I just saw this, Did you work it out?