So I'm going to build a new pc in a couple of months, but I'm not sure about the GPU.
This is the build so far:
CPU: FX-8320 or FX-8350
MoBo: ASrock 990FX
RAM: 8gb
I can't decide which GPU I want. I saw a really good deal on a 7970 from XFX for 230euro (270-300dollars?), but it had some bad reviews. People saying that it works for the first month, but gives problems like screen going black and have to restart the whole pc. Other people said it was a perfectly fine GPU. I looked at and there was no card better than the 7970 in that price range. Could use some help with deciding.
I don't care about high graphics. I just want it to run smooth and be fast. No plans on expending or upgrading the system for the first 1-2 years. Maybe a little bit ocerclocking, but not sure about that. Thanks for reading.
EDIT: And also, what is a good case for this build? not to cheap not to pricy.