Help With Gift Ideas

I have one or two loved ones in my life where their birthday is a couple of days before/after Christmas, now I've done my Christmas shopping thank f@$!, however, I now need to start worrying about birthday presents. I think I've out done myself, as some of the gifts are really nice and personalised, I'm struggling to come up with ideas that are just as nice for the birthday presents.

Any ideas? - These gift ideas don't need to be personal, especially considering the fact that none of you guys know my loved ones, or to say the least, I highly doubt that's the case.

Gonna need a little more to go on than that... Are they tech geeks? Girl or boy? Price range? What are their interests?

Two girls and two guys, I guess they're kinda techy, but not as techy as myself, I mean they may not appreciate a mechanical keyboard so to speak.... Interests... I guess they enjoy relaxing? TV? - I guess I could purchase some merchandise that's based around a show that each individual enjoys?

Board games can always be an interesting gift.

Nobody expects analog gifts from tech geeks.

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That is an interesting thought process, interesting indeed.

Boardgames/Cardgames which are unique but not inaccessible.

Also, everything runs on USB now, so a wallplug - USB adapter, or extension would be well received by almost anyone.
(Toss in a bundle of USB cords for max points)


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you see our gift ideas video? lot of those work for any gift giving needs :)

And those gifts are vaguely techy. Most other tech channels out there did gift ideas involving SSDs or cpus or jars of mercury or whatever


I'm now envious and desirous of that tea set up. I see it on the page everytime I log in, with tea in hand, and sigh.

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Second Wendell on our gift vid :p

Something I enjoy doing for people is making little "everyday care" packages. So things like a portable charger, a travel mug, mints, chapstick, ice scraper for your car, etc all bundled up together. Basically something most people can use often. It's a very practical gift that's inexpensive to put together (most expensive is usually a nice mug).

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I didn't know you cared. I just picked out my birthday present to myself a few minutes ago.

50% off sale.
I usually don't like sports shirts (or anything with writing) but many others do.