*Help with first gaming pc build*

I am getting my first gaming pc for just some casual gaming. No real big name games more indi stuff. i will be playing starbound, terarria, but nothing with super graphics. my budget is what it is don't want to go much higher. this is what i am thinking. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2luyQ

For your budget, that looks about right. My only advice to you is to switch out that gamma classic for a source 210, which is a superior case and costs a bit less.

Cool thanks!

id maybe go a FX-6300 just for that little more performance at little extra cost

I'll chime in and say that if you're willing to spend ~$190, I'd go for a 7870 instead of a 7850.  Here's the updated part list with the other suggestions included. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2lxcl

Also, if you already have a copy of Windows and would be willing to use a USB flash drive to install the operating system, you could save a bit of money on a CDROM/OS and use that money to get a good solid state drive.

Edit: Oops, forgot the RAM. :)

That looks really good.  But, what I would do is I would just not get a DVD drive and then upgrade for the AMD FX 6300.  That CPU is great and well worth the difference.

You're missing RAM.

Went with the FM2 platform because it's cheaper, and that AM3+ motherboard you picked won't handle much in terms of upgradeablity.


Thanks Every one