Help with Driver issues

I am Fixing a HP Pavilion PV7 with Windows 7 Home Premium for a friend and I will not install any of the drivers I have tried so far like the video audio and . When I got it it was have an issue of no being able to connect with the internet. So i just decided to just do a system restore to factory settings. It did its thing but ended up saying I could not restore. So i just decided to format the drive and just reinstall Windows. I did its thing again no problems but now when ever I run a driver install it runs I follow the prompt but it just stops after installing the drivers. and when I restart it just no difrence. so do any of ya'll have a clue?


thanks in advace if ya'll have an Idea.

What i would try to do if you can is download the driver for the ethernet controller to a usb drive from a different computer and try running that on the laptop. Run it as admin and see if that one will install. Then either bridge the connection from a different machine or plug dirrectly into your modem and run windows updates. Windows updater should install most if not all of your drivers for you.

The Eithernet Is not event responding as well...

Anyone else have a clue whats going on?

This computer you are fixing, does it come with its own original copy of Windows 7 or are you restoring from the partitioned portion of the HDD? The other question is does this computer have the original driver disc that would have come with it or again, is this something on a partitioned portion of the HDD? My questions are because if it is an older version of Windows 7 then perhaps you may have to use the original driver for Ethernet connection. If you don’t have an original driver disc, use another computer, go to the website with the drivers and copy from the oldest to newest internet drivers and transfer them to a flash stick. Try loading them from oldest to newest and see it that might get you your connection.  

No it does not have the original copy of 7. I tried to restore form the partition but it kept on saying that it had a cruppted file of some sort. So I just decided to format the drive which now I think was a bad Idea... but I just wonder why It refuses to function with the drivers I installed.


And when I tried to install the latest version of the ethernet driver its says that the "Realtek Network Controller was not found"


Did you try installing an older version of the internet driver from the manuf. wesite?

All they have left is the lastest one...

You may have downloaded the drivers but they may not have installed because of the corrupted sectors on the HDD. As the drivers were being written to the drive parts may not have loaded due to the corruption on the drive. I would get another HDD and find a friend with a copy of Windows 7, copy his disc to your new hard drive and use your key code to activate it. I cannot think of much else I’m afraid.

well I did format the drive before I did anything... but thanks for the help...

Hey Guys I found out a site that helped a good bit with installing my network drivers

it lets you search your pcidevice by vender ID and device. it may help someone with my problem just posting it here.