Ok I have a scout 2 with 5 cooler master led fans,2 in front ,2 top and 1 back. What should I replace them with to make it as quite as possible?
What are the fan sizes ?
Depends on what performance and airflow characteristics you want from those fans: how many m³/h at what rpm, how much static pressure, what kind of controller and fan power supply, what mounting options...
They are all 120m now but I think I can put a 140 in the front . I tried looking through done on newegg but I don't understand how the rating works.
Noctuas are a safe bet. The PWM versions come with resistors to lower the speeds and hence noise.
Ok now for some other questions, will there be a lot of restriction? e.g. a fan filter or tight mesh grill
What is a comfortable noise level for you
and lastly, how much are you willing to spend ?
Sorry it took awhile to get back to you. There are honey comb mesh filters in the front and top. I wouldn't say gey are tight I mean there is plenty of room between the front fans. But I suppose the top are tight BC its right against it. As far as price goes maybe around 20 a fan. Willing to pay more for quality. I just don't want to hear them as much as possible as i game alot at night.
something like a noctua nf12 fan should be quiet
I bought 2 noctua nf14 flx for my radiator and ill never buy a different brand again. 10/10. near silent something like a 5 or 7 year manufacturer warranty. and they had they come with low noise adapters that slow the rmp incase you dont have a fan controller.
With these fans will it still keep my system cool? I still have the stock CPU cooler and a 7870 in it.
Noctuas are some of the best fans out there; 60+ CFM, less than 18dB, ugly-ass brown. You get the whole package.
Keep in mind that a lot of the noise could be coming from the stock cooler on the 7870; they tend to be loud, unless you have an EVGA Sig 2 or Asus DCII.
I have the his ice q 7870. I'll look into those.
Noctua NF-F12s for 120mm, Noctua NF-A14s for 140mm.
Check out Cougar Vortex PWM fans, as well; very good for the money.
Don't suppose there are quiet led fans are there lol
Oh there definitley are, im busty ATM but ill make sure to get back to you with a list of LED and Non LED fans that arent ugly and are quiet yet move a whole lot of air.
Awesome I appreciate all the help