Help with build

I have recently created a build similar to the kill your console one with the amd apu. This being my first build is was pretty cheap only around 400 us dollars. Now comes my dillema, I want to put in a graphics card and I am worried that my psu, which is 430 watts is to small. I have a budget of 200-250 for the card. Thanks for the help



What PSU do you have? 430W should be enough to power most mid range cards as long as there are enough AMPs on the 12V rail. Is it a CX430? You could run an R9 270 or a GTX 760 well with that.

Ok yes it is the cx430, so i should be able to run either of those. What about a 7870 or 7950

The R9 270 is a 7870. The 7950 may be pushing it. What is the rest of your build?


If your not looking for a high end graphics card, I would recommend using amd dual graphics for a performance boost and it doesnt use much more power, consult the link to see which gpu to pair it with:


The 6800k can only run dual graphics with really shitty GPUs and the Kaveri can only run with the R7 250 which is also shitty. 

Dual graphics doesn't have a very good price to performance ratio. 430W can power a very decent GPU and it would kill the dual graphics system. 

I have 8 gb of 2400 mhz adata xpg v2 ram, 1 tb seagate barrucuda, the amd a10 6800k, my case is the fractal design core 1000, and do you have any other suggestions for the build to make it better? 

Wait. Did you build this system already? Like order the parts?

yes, unfortanetly

Ahh Okay  because you could have just grabbed the Athlon 760k and slow ram and saved money that could have been spent on a GPU. Because when you use a dedicated GPU you won't be using the onboard graphics anyway. 

Well your PSU will be able to run mid tier cards and I think the R9 270 would be perfect.

Thanks for the help :)

Keep in mind that the CX430 only has a single 6+2 PCIe power plug.  Some R9 270s, If i remember correctly, have two PCIe power plugs.  Make sure it only has one.

Another option is the R7 265.  Most should have a single PCIe power plug, but as always, verity via pictures.

True but most GPUs will include a molex to 6pin connector so it shouldn't be too bad.

But the 265 is a very good choice as well.