Help with Access Point :)

Hi everybody,

I need help with my new acces point, i'm using the Linksys EA2700 now but since the firmware upgrade it sucks d*nkey d*ck. So I got my hands on a so far I now a greate AP the Cisco AIR-AP1142N-E-K9 But when I plug it in the wireless does not go up. I now I need to connect it with the console port to a COM on a older pc and then configure the IP for the web based configuration utility. But I dont know how to do it. Does anybody here do??


I'm Dutch and dylectic so sorry for bad spelling and grammar 

Use a wired connection and then use one of the typical addresses to access the setup menu. Usually it's

I've got a feeling that the Aironet does require a CLI to get it up and running.

Plug into the LAN connector and see if it's giving you an IP address using "ipconfig", if it does, open your web browser and navigate the "Default Gateway" address from the "ipconfig" command.

I really hope that works man, if not, here's the getting started guide and a "Welcome to Cisco" lesson to CLI and terminal based configs.