Hey There! This will be my first PC build and I was hoping you guys could help me out with choosing the right parts, the current build is as followed here. I'm leaning towards AMD over the i3 but that doesn't mean I won't take in to consideration a build using i3.
- Budget. How much are you willing to spend? $650
- Where do you live (what country), and what currency do you use? The Netherlands, Euro
- -Is there a retailer you prefer? Nope
- Do you need or already have peripherals? (this can add to costs) Nope
- What will you be using your future computer for? Gaming? Rendering? Mix of both? Or is this a home media PC? Gaming and regular things such as surfing the internet and writing essays.
- Do you overclock or want to get into overclocking? Never overclocked but I'd like to try if possible
- Do you plan on going for custom watercooling now, or in the future? Nope
- OS. Do you need a new one? Nope
- Do you plan on Mining BTC either for yourself or Tek Syndicate? Nope
If you Game-
- What kind of settings do you like or what FPS do you want to play at? Hopefully above 30fps, maybe around 40-45?
- What resolution will you be playing at? //or would like to play at. 1080p, but atleast 720.
- What kind of games do you like to play? First person shooters, mmo's and rpgs
- What specific game will you be playing (if applicable). Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, wow.
Thanks =)