Help! Wanna have PC turn off at set temps

So at set temps while litecoin mining I would like my pc to shutoff. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers..

If you run RealTemp you can configure it to launch a script at a certain temperature to shutdown.

Under settings there is an Alarm Temperatures box. Check it and set the CPU and GPU temp you want to shutdown at.

next step is to write a batch file with the following commands.

shutdown.exe /s /f

then back in the settings of RealTemp you click Alarm EXE and select your batch file.
You can also add the "/t XX" flag to specify a number of seconds to wait before actually shutting down. this will give you a warning and you can save things and such. in the command prompt typing "shutdown /?" can give you a decent list of flags and things to help customize your batch file.


Hopefully that helps.

I think coretemp also has this build in as a function. I think you can have it shut-down or log out or go to sleep.

Thanks bro.