pls help me! My iphone got stolen. How do I track the phone besides findmyiphone??
You track the phone.
By using FindMyiPhone.
If you haven't setup anything prior to the phone bring stolen, such as Prey, then there's not much you can do.
Here's a couple of things i can recommend you,
from personal experience and knowledge i've gained from a friend who works with phones for a living.
if the phone is locked with a pass-code your information is safe at least from my knowledge. the user who stole your phone basically has a brick. they can't really unlock the device at all. if you report it stolen to your carrier that phone is now marked and anyone caught even trying to use it could get arrested. if they manage to unlock it, which i highly doubt. however what "Some Tech Noob" above has mentioned you could potentially track the device if you did manage to set that up. but i can't really confirm how effective it really is. if it works well then great you'll get your device back, if not, oh well you are boned.
honestly when it comes to security that is the only thing the iPhone truly has over an Android Device, in my personal opinion. if that were an android device you lost, I'm almost positive there are methods to unlock the device and actually re-use an android phone again. for example i think flashing the phone could potentially clean out the device and unlock the phone.
Thanks for the responses! It's good to know that I have a pass-code. And the person who took the phone tried turning it off so no one could call it but fortunately they turned it on and FindMyIphone app sent me the location of the phone. Since I know people are in possession of my phone I'm heading straight to my carrier 1st thing tomorrow. Thanks for the advice
Perhaps the police might be better to go to?
I might do that after I told my carrier with what happened. At least they wont be able to use anything at all. I'll have to ask the police for help then
Mabey your carrier might believe you more if you have a police report. Might not believe you if you're like, "Got my phone stolen" and have nothing to show for it.
OK thanks. You've got a good point about that.
If I stole a phone here what I would do after I stole it:
1. Turn it off (Making find my iPhone useless)
2. Take the sim card out (Removing any carrier tracking)
3. Turn the phone off, plug it in to a computer with itunes running and hold down the power button for three seconds, holding down the power and home button for 10 and then holding the home button for 15 until it is in recovery mode and you can restore without a password.
4. Put it on ebay
Don't worry, your average hoodlum doesn't have the brain capacity to do that. Right know time is of the essence and you should call up the carrier and see if they can do anything about it. The police won't do jack shit but if all else fails its worth a shot.
The police will probably do bugger all tbh.
A mate and i one morning were at the gym and we both had our iphones stolen and our wallets emptied (had 200 fucking dollars in it that day). I saw the scumbag & confronted him but he was a lot larger than me so i let him fuck off with our stuff (i didn't think being hospitalized for 2 iphones & 200 bucks was worth it)
Anyway, we ended up calling the cops & they did absolutely nothing. We got called back 6-hours later and all they did was ask for a description of the guy who robed us.
If you have an android phone install theftie to it. It such a good anti theft app.
Yes call your carrier if you have not already. Report the phone as stolen and make it useless regards of what they are planning to do with it.
If you so happen to come across if simply call your carrier again and they will happily reactivate the device for you.
I had my phone stolen from me while I was swimming for a class on my college campus. Reported to the campus police and they opened up an investigation. I aided them with information of the phone's location including satellite images with time stamps of the phone travel path from when it was stolen and to the time it arrive at a home about 6 miles from my campus.
Even with the address of the home and image evidence that the phone was stolen and at the location, nothing was done about it. Case closed a week later and nothing came of it. My hope that my contribution to the case was for naught but oh well.
If you go to your google dashboard you can see all the information about where your phone was and what time it was there but you need to have data enabled on your device and GPS active as well. I have no idea if it would work on apple devices but Android devices are supported.
Just go the the Android tab and click on "Manage Active Devices" it will then bring up a map and allow you to call the device, lock it or simply erase all the data if you can't afford to have any see it.
I wish there was a way to disable power-off on phones or if it did happen to turn off it would simply shut down everything except transmit GPS data to you.
I use android device manager and theftie together. Theftie is factory reset proof and it takes a picture of the thefie after a set number of failed password attempts. You can also retrieve data off the phone if its stolen.
Nope lol
In theory that would work, IF it were running iOS 6, but as of iOS 7, your method you mentioned would, yes stop someone from tracking the device, BUT restoring it to Remove the Password doesn't work anymore. it will ask you if you have a Backed up Image on iCloud, "this will ask you for your Apple ID and Passcode" if you don't have either, if Not it will not restore the device, you need to take the device to an Apple Store. which if you were a criminal who robbed the device you'd be a massive idiot to go to an apple store, and ask to restore it if you yourself stole it to begin with. "Atobe" here who got his phone stolen, the person robbing it basically just stole a brick cause he can't do shit with it, iF there is a pass-code on it.
the TRUE way of restoring an iPhone as of iOS 7 if you were to rob it is to replace the circuit board of the iPhone ENTIRELY but that would just defeat the purpose of you robbing the device.
I think it still works. My sister I geting a sony z3 to replace her iphone so when I wipe it I will try my method.
yeah from my experience the cops really don't give a fuck either. i had an iPod Touch Stolen from me once, (back when they actually made sense to own) went to the police station theyj just wrote a report. that was it never heard from again.