HELP! Return GTX 760 for GTX 960? Is it worth it?

I just bought and installed a asus gtx 760 a few days ago not realizing the gtx 960 was coming out for the same price. Should i return it to newegg and get the gtx 960? I will be playing minecraft and recording for the most part, but I don't know if my gtx 760 will run minecraft better than the gtx 960. Some specs such as the new maxwell based chipset and higher clock speeds are appealing, but the gtx 760 has a wider memory bus and higer memory bandwith, but do those things really impact gameplay that much? Answers would be much appreciated.

It's not worth it, maybe full dx12 support if that interests you but other than that it's a dud the 960 is a weak card barely a step up from the 760 and anything about 1080p it does worse than the 760.

If you are playing minecraft, you don't really have to worry about the GPU very unless you want to install a lot of shader mods.

Your CPU will be utilized the most by minecraft.

are there any real benefits of the 960 over the 760 or is the 760 really just a few mhz below the 960 with a non-maxwell based chipset? 

i will be doing 1080p though, and are you sure about this? proof?


Yes. At 1080p the 960 is a little faster so long as you don't use filters or AA. If you do use any of that or play games with really high res textures the 760 is better. Trust me. The 960 was never positioned as a successor to the 760. nVidia is selling it as an upgrade the 660. 

Basically. The 960s do have higher clock speeds but at the end of the day that is just a number. Higher clock speeds don't mean better performance especially across architectures. 

If anything though, I'd tell you to return it and buy an R9 280X or R9 290....


Im not a fanboy of either, because this was the first time I built a rig, but nvidia is what i am looking for, because what i play seems to favor nvidia cards over amd.


like he said minecraft does not benifit from strong gpus you just need an okay one. with that said here are just a few benchmarks.


But just as a 1080p card, is it worth spending $10 to ship back my 760 and then having to pay a bit more for the card and also paying a restocking fee of like 20 dollars (i'd be spending like 40 dollars for the whole process to get the 960)?


dont do it man, 128 bit bus??? even with lossless compression that so fucking slow. it may play 1080p fine but next year it will struggle.

That can't be said for certain until we see the full power of dx12 but as things stand now no it isn't worth it at all. bear in mind the 760 can use Dx12 just not all the features. it will be able to utilize the better performance of Dx12 but beyond that we don't know what it can/can't use because Microsoft hasn't said much.

It really doesn't matter what game it is. Even if they favor nVidia an R9 290 will stomp a 760. Even a 280X will be faster and cheaper than the 760 or 960. 


But seriously stop freaking out. The 760 is a good card and the 960 isn't worth it. Plus if your main game you play is Minecraft it really doesn't matter what GPU you have. 

so my asus gtx 760 direct cu II OC will be better for a longer period of time than the 960?

I'd get the Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X for $268... it will murder a 760 or 960... as mentioned before, minecraft won't care... but even if whatever you do "favors" nVidia, a 290 has SO much more horsepower it will still stomp it