I've had pfSense working with EE broadboand for around a year, moved house switched to sky broadband now the wan is down.
I've used wireshark to get my username and password, entered these in ppoe, nothing.
I use a modem in bridge mode, this says there is an internet connection. Tried troubleshooting, I changed this to ppoa llc and used my credentials. It says there's an internet connection but there seems to be a problem with DNS.
Really have no idea what the issue is, any help greatly appreciated.
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Have you tried spoofing the MAC address of your official sky modem on your WAN PPPoE port? And checked that you use the Sky DNS servers? Can you ping a IP within Sky (gateway of your router) and an outside ip (google, facebook)?
Should've said that, yes I spoofed the mac address.
I've just got the modem to work. I've been searching around it seems like sky only uses ppoa. I think https://www.ballicom.co.uk/vigor120v2-draytek-vigor-120.p739273.html?ref=PLA&gclid=CjwKEAiAp97CBRDr2Oyl-faxqRMSJABx4kh9tP9HjC_TH2dyeg2oK582zjiJYbtDMRu2DfNwdUCrPRoCxWvw_wcB will solve my issues?
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Yes, worked with those. You can setup your draytek to dump modem mode and just use it for the pppoa and let the rest be handeled by the pfsense box.
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Got my hands on a 120, cannot get it to play nice sigh. It's also stopped connecting to it's ip which is super helpful when trying to change settings.
I hate sky,