Help on my first pc build

hey i am building my first gaming computer and this is what i was looking at... just need some feedback or some recamondations... my budget is $800...  my build right now is this [fixed]

The link does not work.

woops...i fixed it

So, $800 including windows? The build you posted is over $900.

Do you really gotta buy Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)?

Pirate Windows is not an option?

That is almost 950$ build, btw...

i already have a copy of windows... i just put it on there to show what i was gonna put on

The CPU is a little out of date on this build, but It will be more then enough for gaming if you OC it, and the mobo and CPU cooler will allow you to upgrade to an 8350 in the future, and OC that.

thats the copy i already pirated... just put it on there to show what i was gonna use