Ok so on July 10th I will be ordering the parts for my computer. They GPU in this case is an MSI GTX 980
( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127834 ) and will be using the diplayports to power three displays. The issue I am having is this, I cannot decide on the screen size let alone the resolution. There are a few things I am toying with but I am not sure how they will affect performance as I have never used more than two low quality monitors before. I do know I want to run things like league of legends, metro:2033 and last light, COD, BF3&4, Halflife series, gmod, CSGO, ARK, GTA every game, and some smaller titles. I would love to be able to get 60+ fps on max settings but i would be willing to turn them down if need be to get a more constant, higher fps. My ideas for the monitors are as follows.
At the moment I think that I am going with 3 23.8 inch dell monitors ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824260174 ) all on an arm ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4H11ET9400 ) and 1080p. I really wanted a 27" monitor setup though, or so I thought, and thought about three of different, 27" monitors from ASUS ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236362 ). Then another idea I had was to use two of those ASUS monitors for the wings and have a center display at 1440p. Those are the three ideas I have and if anyone could guide me to the performance I am looking for and the quality I wish to have I would be grateful. I should also add that I will only be gaming on the center monitor right now and might try to game on three in the future but I know for that I will need more horsepower than a single 980 will provide esspecially at 1440p as well as the fact that the two 1080 and one 1440 setup would not work well with the surround gaming thing that is if i do end up trying it. The budget as well is within 1500$ for all three monitors, three monitor mount not included. I know this is a lot of stuff to read but thank you anyways.
If need be here is a full list of the parts that will be ordered on July 10th and if there are any suggestions on those that would be wonderful as well but I think I am pretty content with how they are now.
EDIT: I also am thinking of moving to a 980Ti instead of the MSI 980
I have a GTX 780 that can barely push 1080p on some titles like tomb raider (not sure if it is an optimization issue on the dev end). I think the 980 is 15-20% better performance (im not a gpu guru) could be wrong but I dont think this is going to get you to 1440p @ 60fps on trips with ultra graphics. SLI may be needed if you want to be maxed out @ 60fps+. My gtx780 runs tomb raider maxed out at about 30-40 fps with dips <30 on a single 25" 60hz. I believe how ever it will work at lower settings. If this is for gaming pick a diff monitor 8ms is too high of a response rate imho. those are great for video/graphics though they have ultrasharp guts but I did not like their performance for gaming. My fav monitor for print work that is affordable.
So what I've gatherd from that is stick with 1080 at that23-25" panel size with the 980 but lower frequency. Thanks for the input, ill try to find a lower response panel.
That is my experience i have dual monitors but never span them due to the fact they are different sizes. If you have a budget of roughly $300 a monitor look at benq, asus, and acer for gaming but if you need color accuracy i would recommend getting one ultra sharp and one 24"+ 60-120hz low response monitor if your playing competitive online games like csgo, heroes and generals, bf4, etc.
If this for competitive shooters i would choose one of these as a dedicated gaming monitor
If this is for a sim racing space sim rig then i would consider these x3
the prob with thin bezel monitors is generally they are slower (ips? chime in :)
I have never owned a monitor for gaming over 2ms but I read 5ms is exceptable but if you need that slight edge go 144hz 1-2 ms.
Make sure if you choose trips the buttons are not on the side of the monitor.
I am not a monitor geek but i feel that the 24" range is perfect if you have 3 of them. here are some other opinions on them.
- IPS is a must.
- Used to game on 2ms monitor now on 5ms i see no difference.
- Thin bezel a must.
- a good 3 monitor vesa monitor mount.
- Matte screen not gloss
- I use 1080p 4k is dumb unless doing video/photo editing. 1440p idk maybe but adds extra stress on gpu.
Games i play, csgo, bf4, dota 2, dying light, dayz, others.
My setup:
When I play bf4 on ultra no motion blur i run at 120fps. just so you have a reference. I only game on a single one of my three monitors but they are all on and generally have other stuff on them when gaming.
If you ever plan on doing surround gaming they all need to be the same resolution. AFAIK so keep that in mind.
I used to do sli but I do NOT recommend sli anymore to anyone with multi monitor setup. unless you plan to have everything spanned across three screens all the time. If you decide you want to do gaming on a single monitor with sli you have to disable the outer two screens or not use sli. (In my experience at least)
Thats almost to the dot what I want to do, thanks for posting! What monitor do you use? Is it on newegg?
I like that benq but is there like a ton of difference for gaming between ips and tn pannels?
added link in other post. stand is shit but with 3 monitor mount it doesnt matter. they are HDMI only, so you will need an dispaly port to hdmi cable and i forgot what the other two are, one is just reg HDMI other might be DVI to HDMI also looks like they are now limit 2 per customer so you would need someone elses address for the third one, idk how other monitors compare to these nowadays these were bought early 2014.
the only issue i have with the monitors that havebeen linked is the first ones were tn and none of them have displayport and the 980 has 3 displayports. How would i hook them up wthout displayport
Ah thanks, I assume the refresh rate is 60Hz too?
Yea, but just note my updated posting above. you cant just order three and idk how they compare to other monitors today they were bought early 2014.
I like them i have no complaints. but im pretty simple guy
gameplay not much the bonus to ips is color uh depth/reproduction and viewing angles. it looks like they benq has good stand so might not need the aftermarket mounting one.
I really liked that monitor 2 but the 60 Hz is a bit of a turn off for me if you can get 120 fps on bf4 and I will be doing like streams and yotube stuff but i dont think anything for like photo editing will be in there at all, you think tn is oK? And yeah that mount I wanted ight not be necesary and the stand also allows for more adjustment to make up for tn i think
I'm not a fan of tn, mostly because of the viewing angles vs my desk setup main monitor straight on, right is flipped vertical and tilted down some, and left one is angled at chair so on a tn the color distortion might be an issue idk i don't have/had a tn in this config.
It would probably be fine. I have no way to say yay or nah. if you go for 144hz go with a 980ti. while i do run at 120fps it does dip down into the low 90s
I think I will go with the Benq and the 980Ti, Thanks for the help! I struggle with descisions a lot
The monitors are a part that i took several days to decide on so don't feel bad.
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