Help on bottlenecking

Will I bottleneck my system if I use an E2200 and a HD 4850?

Ohh yes


i would imagine so. i used to have a pentium d 920 and an 8800 gts, it was a super bottleneck.

yes because im bottlenecking a phenom 9500 to a 9800GT

double post delete please

Yeah but it isnt a huge bottleneck. I would reccomend getting like a high end c2q or something, or if you going cheap get a q6700.

make sure your motherboard supports quads first, they tend to require a lot of power.

I've heard of bottlenecking before but never actually experienced it, I think? What exactly happens?

The cpu limits the gpu.. meaning you dont use the gpu 100%, because its being limited by a weak cpu