Help on a Build

Hi this is my first build, and I was planning to make it not so expensive. I currently have made a list of my parts:

Is there any way to decrease the cost of this build or are there are any better parts available? By the way, I will be using this for gaming and possibly video editing.


This is the best you can get for about 750 also are you going to use cuda or open cl for video editing?  or is it just basic video editing like windows movie maker?

I was thinking of do After Affects work, but gaming is my main prioridy. I was wondering if there is any way to decrease the price at all?

Get a smaller SSD?

Oh sorry here is the revised version.

I really like the Phenom II 4x black edition, Is there a reason I should or shouldnt stick with it?

The 6300 is better, and also that SSD is a bit small. Maybe like a 60GB one.

Oh, by the way, is the power supply enough if I am planning to overclock?