Help Needed. First Time Building

Hello, I have been lurking for a while, watching videos and doing some research and I feel it is finally time for me to try and build a PC. I have gathered some parts that I like and I was wondering if it looked good.

I am looking to see if I have any bottlenecks or if anyone had any sugestions on what I would get/replace. I would perfer to have it stay under 1,000, but I am willing to have it go over that if some one is good at argueing why. 


Thank you guys! I ended up changing just about everything except the CPU, Graphics Card, OS, and the case. I even added an SSD!

I notice that the sugestion I got were for a Radeon HD 7870 Graphics Card. Why is that, do Radeon work better with AMD, or is it preferance thing? 

*maybe I should take this over to the GPU forum?*

First off, welcome! Great to see someone taking the plunge.

Your build was what I expected to see.  A good start. I revamped a few things for you and got you a lot of really good stuff, and the good news is I'm only 17 dollars more than your original!

There are some compromises you make here. For one, the case is of lesser quality, and the PSU isn't going to match too well. The thing about this build, though, is that for the money, you're getting a pretty feature packed system. I'd definitely go for this. It's very upgrade-friendly as well.

Also, always shoot for at least two dimms of ram, as most mobos now utilize dual channel memory.

PS. Here's a secret (:

This is what I would suggest:

It'll blow your build out of the water when it comes to performance. I understand the case is cheap, but it's actually a really nice case for the price. Normally you wouldn't see such good features in such a low budget case. You might have to get a little creative when mounting the SSD though. You could either buy a 2.5" bay adapter or some velcro and just stick it somewhere. You'll want to get some more case fans later on too.

Be careful with Windows 8 as well. You might not like the layout, and there are going to be some glitches until service pack 1 comes out.

bad toast dont miss lead the noobs


go for the oem but buy from amazon and pay a little more and get a real case and a true os disk not a recovery disk covered in paper

If this is for gaming, I'd like to say that a 7970 or 670/680 build is totally doable with $1000

Windows 8... WHY!

I've personally used the restore disks before, and they work like a charm. I had zero problems loading the OS. 

MORE public hate on windows repetitive..



Thank you guys! I ended up changing just about everything except the CPU, Graphics Card, OS, and the case. I even added an SSD!

I notice that the sugestion I got were for a Radeon HD 7870 Graphics Card. Why is that, do Radeon work better with AMD, or is it preferance thing? 

*maybe I should take this over to the GPU forum?*

Well, it has nothing to do with compatibility. We suggest the 7870 because in our opinion it is a great bang-for-buck card. It can max out any game( as far as I know) in 1080p, while still being relatively cheap. For a $200-250, it's performs more like a $300 card, especially when overclocked. Speaking of which, when overclocked enough, it can perform like a 7950/ 660 Ti. This is my view, though.

Wait! You could totally get a better card for this price range! You just need to know where to put the money. That's why I'm asking you what this build is for.

I know. There's nothing wrong with 8, in fact it's even faster( in games, at least, but I'm pretty sure in a lot of other applications as well) than 7. If you hate the Metro UI, fine, it's just a simple matter of installing a 3rd party program to get the Start Menu back.

Gaming. Sorry probaly should have said that earlier. Games like Trine 2, Civ 5, BF3, Arma 2, minecraft.... basically all games.

get an 8320 and put more money towards a video card, that any see if you cant get a cheaper case.

This will eat games for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The SSD doesn't have any benefits for gaming except for faster load times, which really doesn't have much weight against more FPS at maxed out 1080p gameplay. 

Either get the faster, oh so "important" load times, or better game qualities at high resolutions without framerate dips.

i personally would get a 212 evo in that build. 

Meaning to drop to the 8320.

Don't get a GTX 650 TI. It's a shit card. The 7870 performs more like a GTX 660 TI, especially with the current drivers that are out. If you can afford a 7870 XT, those perform more like a 7950 when overclocked.

Here's some benchmarks that show how much better the 7870 is than the 560 TI: